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Image by June O
Image by Lance Grandahl

Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy can be beneficial for individuals struggling with OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) by helping them shift their focus away from their obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviours towards more constructive and adaptive patterns of thinking and behaviour  


Here's how it can help:


Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy aims to induce a state of relaxation, which can help reduce anxiety levels. By calming the mind and body, hypnosis can help individuals with OCD feel more at ease and less overwhelmed by their obsessive thoughts and compulsions.

Hypnotherapy can help individuals challenge and reframe their negative thought patterns associated with OCD. Through suggestion and visualisation techniques, the therapist can guide the individual to imagine themselves responding differently to their obsessive thoughts, fostering a more positive and empowering mindset.


Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy focuses on identifying and amplifying existing strengths and resources within the individual. Therapists may encourage clients to visualise themselves engaging in healthier behaviours and coping strategies instead of giving in to compulsions. This can help reinforce positive behaviours and gradually reduce the frequency and intensity of OCD symptoms. 


Solution-Focused Hypnotherapy emphasises the individual's strengths and abilities, fostering a sense of self-efficacy and confidence in their ability to overcome OCD. By focusing on achievable goals and positive outcomes, hypnotherapy can help individuals build resilience and belief in their capacity to manage their symptoms effectively.

M O R E  S E R V I C E S



Image by Joshua Earle


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