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“I left feeling re-energised with a goal to achieve before next weeks session, which I actually accomplished the very next day!"

Emily C


Straight From the Source


"I knew Nicole (my friend and hairdresser) was training to qualify in Solution-Focused therapy, what I didn’t realise was that I would end up with complete overload and stress and desperately needed her help.


I’m now on my 8th session and I can honestly say she has been a life saver. I went from feeling exhausted, stressed and so anxious to learning how my mind works and how to manage my own mind and quash anxiety and negative thinking.


I cannot recommend her enough."


"I’ve recently had my first session with Nicole at Kalm Mind, and I genuinely cannot recommend enough. All I was looking for, was some drive, focus and motivation to get through the hardships of general day to day life and it did just that!

I left feeling reenergised with a goal to achieve before next weeks session, which I actually accomplished the very next day!

Sometimes you just need that outside voice to encourage you to conquer and overcome the small or big things holding you back.

I really recommend giving Kalm Mind a go, you’ll be pleasantly surprised!

5 Stars from me."


"Nicole has a powerful calming aura and her kind gentle presence is incredibly reassuring. Nicole’s knowledge and passion is inspiring.


Through having Hypnotherapy Nicole gave me the opportunity to take my own power back. I felt like a gold fish in a bowl banging against the glass, trying to get out. Hypnotherapy gave me the power to smash the bowl and process everything that had been holding me there for so long.  


There were instant benefits right from the first Hypnotherapy session with Nicole.

For the first time in a long time I felt motivated to do something for myself and to actually enjoy it, something as simple as taking my dog for a walk in my favourite place. The night after my first Hypnotherapy session I had my first night of undisturbed sleep in long time. When I woke up the following day I was able to get straight up and start the day with purpose and intention. I felt calmer, my head felt clearer.


Through working with Nicole I have overcome my anxiety and depression, I have taken control of my life, I have a much brighter outlook on my life now and have a much more positive attitude day to day. I’ve strengthened my relationships and have a deeper connection with myself, my partner, my children, my friends and my family.


I’ve built back my self confidence which has enabled me to start living again and work towards my goals and aspirations for the future. The benefits have been limitless. I can 100% recommend Nicole’s Hypnotherapy sessions.

Forever grateful xx"


"As a medical professional I was slightly cynical regarding how I would find hypnosis. However I genuinely feel that it is one of the best things I have ever done and it has drastically changed my life, in a very positive way.  I cannot recommend Nicole enough, she is very professional and empathetic and really empowered me to understand why I was feeling as I was and we were able to work on solutions together.

Sleep was a major issue and listening to the hypnosis before bed has created a positive sleep association and when I hear it, I instantly relax and unwind."


"I've suffered with anxiety and different problems for years on and off. I started having sessions with Nicole and wow it changed my life. The sessions helped me focus on me and my life and realise what is important and what is not. also helped me calm and focus me for a big interview I was having.

The sessions have made me so much more confident, focused, relaxed and determined to live my life how I want it and not be ruled by my head! 100% recommend the sessions."

Image by Patrick Ryan

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